My Birthday Wishlist

Where are all the June bday gals??? My birthday is like 2 days away and I thought it would be so fun if I did a wishlist since now im turning 21 and maybe I will have some weird/ cool things that I want. Plus if you have any event this summer like going to a graduation, bday party I hope these ideas can help you pick a gift.

A Little Bit About Me - Life Update

Guys... I can't believe that its June and I am turning 21 at the end of the month! That's crazy but exciting at the same time!!!  I just wanted to do a quick life update and tell you what Seth and I have been up to since my last post at "Our Eternal Happiness" so here you go:

Living Situation + Plans for the rest of the summer
So, I live in Valparaiso but these past two months I have been between Indianapolis (the capital of Indiana) which I absolutely love that place, and Valpo. Well, this next month I am going to Las Vegas. I will be there all July and possibly the first week of August. I know you're probably thinking "she's everywhere" lol I am planning on writing a blog post about my travel essentials and what outfits I am taking with me so stay tuned for that!

Marriage Life            

My Everyday Make Up Routine

I always get asked what make-up products I use so I thought it would be easier if I linked all of my favorite make-up that I use for my everyday routine. Most of them are drugstore bought, and you're probably thinking "really?!" but I have found that some of them work as good as high end product.

Step #1 - Primer

I always use primer before I put any make-up on. It helps my make-up set nice and it really helps to clean your face. I usually apply it with my fingers all over my face.